Built Windows Mobile 6.5 Apps Using RhoMobile Suite 4.0


1 min read

We successfully managed to build Windows Mobile 6.5.3 apps using RhoMobile 4.0.0.beta.28 suite.
Here is what I found on my way.

I followed the instruction at RhoMobile Docs and installed VS 2008.
BTW you can find the Spanish version of VS 2008 trial version at here
Then I downloaded and installed Windows Professional 6.5.3 DTK from the link here
Now I tried rake device:wm:production
It gave me the error:
[source language=”ruby”]
RET: Generador de proyectos de Microsoft (R) Generador de proyectos de Visual C+
+ – Versión de línea de comandos 9.00.21022
RET: Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
vcbuild.exe : error VCBLD0001: VCProjectEngine.dll no se puede cargar.
Asegúrese de que el archivo VCProjectEngine.dll se encuentra en el mismo directo
rio que el archivo vcbuild.exe.
Generador de proyectos de Microsoft (R) Generador de proyectos de Visual C++ – V
ersión de línea de comandos 9.00.21022
I fixed it by using Visual studio provided command prompt. This command prompt will have the VS 2008 system environment variables set with it.
but i still got the same error.
Now I copied and pasted the language specific dll files from /vcpackages/3082 to /vcpackages folder as per a hint given in MS discussion forum.
I copied 11 .dll files into it.
Now I tried running rake device:wm:production but the below error
[source language=”ruby”]
vcbuild.exe : error VCBLD0007: no se pudo encontrar la configuración del proyect
I understood I need to specify the target WM device as per the instruction given at http://docs.rhomobile.com
So, I made my build.yml to looks like
[source language=”ruby”]
sdk: “Windows Mobile 6.5.3 Professional DTK (ARMV4I)”
Voila.. thats it, my cab file started generating after few minutes.
Now I can generate RhoMobile Windows Professional 6 apps.

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3 Replies to “Built Windows Mobile 6.5 Apps Using RhoMobile Suite 4.0”

  1. Will you not be prompted for RhoElements license? Which device have you tested it on?

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