Speaking at Ruby meetups – a way of giving back to the community

Spritle Bot

1 min read

Speaking at meetups is a great way of giving back to the community and so we always encourage our mates at Spritle to be a part of such events and give back something in return for what we got. This week two awesome people from Spritle – Sairam and Lakshmanan, enthusiastically gave great talks at the July 2016 Ruby Meetup that happened at Platform 3 solutions in Chennai.
sairam lakshmanan spritle software
A small overview of the talks by Sairam and Lakshmanan,
Rails 5, Protection from Forgery – Sairam
A talk revolving around the latest changes made to improve security in the Rails framework. Protection against CSRF attacks and CSRF token handling were discussed in depth paving way for better understanding of the new Per-form CSRF token feature that was added to Rails 5. The talk was informative and included various ingredients needed to keep the event lively.
Here is a link to the slides with all the reference to the resources Sairam had utilized.
Design Patterns – Lakshmanan
After a bit of an overview of Design Patterns and some tips on when to use them, Lakshmanan delved into some of the common patterns including the Template, Observer, Decorator and Strategy patterns providing some nice Ruby examples to illustrate them as well. Playing around with the best practices and design principles in detail were discussed with fellow attendees, ending the event with great vibrations.
Here is a link to the slides with all the reference to the resources Lakshmanan has utilized.
We encourage all our members to take part in events and share their knowledge with the community. We also would like to invite you to attend our Chennai Ruby User Group meetups if you are in and around Chennai in the coming months.


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