How To Choose an IBMS Solution for Your Building? 


3 min read

Are you wondering about building maintenance and searching for a comprehensive IBMS solution to mitigate your worries? Let us guess! While planning to implement a BMS is evident for the Smart future, choosing an appropriate IBMS solution is a hazy quest and would leave you with a more confused mind! That’s why in this blog post, we have compiled some of the must-look attributes you should look for in an Integrated Building Management System!

Getting to know your Building Maintenance better!

A series of complicated tasks, hectic days of collaborating with your building management team and whatnot, and prolonged responses to resolving fault tickets! Well, if this sounds familiar to you, then it’s time to change your style of dealing with your Smart building!

And here is where a BMS portal would help you save time and resources. So,

What is a Building Management System?

From a centralized perspective, a Building Management System is an aggregated solution that could bring down all the hassle of managing a building. From automatically monitoring your building through inputs from your existing BMS portal and IoT sensors to keeping your maintenance team well-informed on resolving faults, it can bring robust improvement in performance and operational efficiency to your building.

Too Many Choices, Which One to Pick for Your Building?

With automation, AI, and other tech trends painting a Smart future ahead in all walks of life, it’s no wonder they are changing the way Building Management System gets designed! Therefore, when you look for an apt IBMS solution for your facilities, it always ranges from Building Automation Systems to Integrated Building Management Systems. So, more than implementing the solution, the decision to settle for an apt IBMS always takes longer! Therefore, before diving deep into figuring out your ideal IBMS solution for your building, let’s take a stroll into the preparatory steps you should follow.

Some of the must-follow preparatory steps are:

  1. Assessing your Building needs
  2. Researching the feasible solutions available for you
  3. Consulting an expert for guidance(if necessary)
  4. Drawing your budget for implementing the solution
  5. Getting your IBMS system customized by a vendor who offers maintenance too.

Now, here are 7- attributes you should look for while implementing an Integrated Building Management System.

Top 7-Attributes to Look for in a IBMS Solution While Settling for It

Building needs

Settling for an aggregated Building Management System comes with the question of what you aim to achieve out of it. Since Building maintenance is a complex task with so many sub-tasks, it’s always wise to go for a list of key business goals you want to accomplish. Question your needs and requirements, whether to monitor energy usage in your building, enhance building security, or streamline the overall fault management in your facility, etc.

Therefore, it’s always better to analyze how well the IBMS solution you have in mind blends with your business goals and supports them!

Reports and Analytics

Reports and analytics always lead Building Management toward enhanced decision-making and efficient predictive maintenance. A potential BMS portal will give you detailed summaries and analytics on everything in your maintenance strategies. From insights on reforming your monitoring systems to optimizing their overall performance, these reports will be handy!

So, always make it a point to settle for an IBMS solution that gives you easy-to-comprehend, visually-insightful reports on your day-to-day maintenance activities for your team.


Every building has its own needs and monitoring parameters/ metrics. That said, the only way to get an enhanced perspective on your Smart building is to go for a highly customizable IBMS solution. The more scalable and durable it is with your existing BMS portal, the more enhanced will be the operational efficiency of your building.

Integration Features

One of the most complicated steps in implementing a BMS solution is the implementation that comes along. From seeing whether it’s compatible with your internal monitoring systems to set it up with a customized dashboard, integration determines its efficiency in every way. Therefore, while looking for an IBMS solution, don’t forget to keep a tab on its open data communication features.

A comprehensive Building Management system will:

  1. Have standardized protocols to support your existing BMS Portal,
  2. Create integration possibilities with all your HVAC systems, IoT sensors, and other systems,
  3. Bring all your sub-systems together in a single platform,
  4. Allows third-party integrations instead of using vendor’s proprietary systems,
  5. Makes updates, upgrades, and other changes in your BMS easy for the future


Integration Building Management System functions on cloud platforms and on-premises. But, regardless of whichever type of IBMS solution you go for, remember to double-check its security features and ensure it supports data security and network security for your Building and your maintenance team. From role-based access to secure remote access to your Building Management System, examine its security features in detail.

Maintenance Support

Maintaining a building comes with unpredictable scenarios to handle. Therefore, you must constantly upgrade and update your IBMS portal to your changing building needs. And this needs maintenance support from your IBMS vendor. So, while looking for an IBMS solution, examine the vendor’s maintenance support services and settle for your solution.

Risk Factors in Implementation

Once again, you must focus on the implementation risks the finalized solution might bring to your building. From compatibility issues to the reports and analytics it brings, always take a risk-check approach to keep your implementation process for your IBMS cost-effective and secure.

That said, these are the most crucial attributes or factors you must consider before implementing a Building Management Solution for your building.

BMS Integration with Spritle!

Well-known for our expertise in offering integration solutions in Building Management, our team at Spritle give a holistic and Centralized Building Management Solution. With high scalability to wield into your existing BMS portal, our IBMS solution can intertwine with your Smart Building and shed light on metrics and analytics to elevate your operational efficiency.


With Building Management norms moving towards energy conservation and futuristic Smart management, it’s crucial for every Smart Building to tune up for a tech-savvy future. Therefore, start your journey towards a Smart and efficient Building Management journey with our team at Spritle!

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