Lean (Demo)

Integration Testing with Webrat, RSpec (and Authlogic)

Recently I tried to write the integration tests for a Rails app which uses Authlogic for authentication. We decided to use RSpec for unit...
Balaji D Loganathan
1 min read

Importance Of Attitude in Agile Projects

With my recent experience on Agile-Scrum based projects, I started realizing how important is "Attitude" of the person involved in an agile team...
Balaji D Loganathan
1 min read

Agile NCR 2008 Conference – India

On 8th March, the Saturday Xebia India is organizing "Agile NCR 2008 Conference" hosted by Ansal Institute of Technology in Gurgaon, India. Its...
Balaji D Loganathan
42 sec read