Ruby on Rails (Demo)

Upgrade Rails 2 application to Rails 3

Last month, I spent most of time upgrading a beautiful application from Rails 2 to Rails. It was such a wonderful experience and I...
Prabu D
3 min read

Continuous Integration in Rails with Jenkins

Jenkins is an open-source Continuous Integration tool and it is easy to integrate in Rails project. A CI package will run automated tests on...
Rajeswari K
1 min read

Training on RhoMobile at Singapore – Photos

On 2nd March 2012 we conducted a half-day training on “Building cross-platform Mobile applications using RhoMobile platform at Singapore. Here are some of pictures...
Balaji D Loganathan
14 sec read

New features in Rails 3.2

Rails 3.2 was released with lot of amazing changes. I recently read about new features which provides better and new tags, faster reloading in...
Dhepthi L Narasimhan
1 min read

Run HighCharts in RhoMobile (iPhone, iPad and Android)

I like HighCharts and used it for one of our project. I wanted to use HighCharts in Rhomobile mobile applications and thought I would...
Vinothini B
1 min read

Ruby Tips 11: Install mysql gem on Mac OS…

brew install mysql Is you have installed mysql server already and have a failed mysql gem, then remove the mysql server first ...
Balaji D Loganathan
21 sec read

Ruby Tips 10: Using Devise Gem for API Token…

Ok. If you have already read the Devise gem wiki, you wouldn’t be seeing this, if not here is the simple way to do...
Surendran Sukumaran
27 sec read

Ruby Tips 9: Install Gem Without RDoc/RI on Production

Often we want to avoid installing rdoc and ri on production/staging servers. Simply create .gemrc file in your home directory and add gem: –no-ri...
Balaji D Loganathan
11 sec read

Consume SOAP WebServices Using Ruby With Savon

Recently, we had a task of consuming a SOAP based web serivces which sends and receive complex objects.
Surendran Sukumaran
51 sec read

Configuring Memcached with Rails 3

First install memcached in your machine and make sure the memcached server is running. After installation to make sure its running, try starting the...
Surendran Sukumaran
34 sec read

RVM Gemsets To Maintain Multiple Versions Of Gems.

RVM made my life easier to run multiple versions of ruby and rails in Ubuntu/Mac OS. If we want to maintain multiple versions of...
Surendran Sukumaran
40 sec read

Selenium Integration with Rails Application

Selenium is a suite of tools to automate web browsers across many platforms. It runs in many browsers and operating systems and it can...
Dhepthi L Narasimhan
1 min read