Ruby on Rails

Three Ways to Manage Assets in Rails

These days almost all web applications uses loads of JavaScripts (like jQuery, AngularJS and so on) and its becoming challenging to maintain the its...
Surendran Sukumaran
1 min read

Handle ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound More Beautifully

Most of us usually handle the Active Record Not Found error in ApplicationController and then redirect it to a generic view page. I found...
Balaji D Loganathan
32 sec read

How To Upload Large Files Using AngularJS, Rails and…

In this blog I am going to share my experience in AngularJS file upload. I wrote rails application that will import CSV file data...
Prabu D
2 min read

Testing Restful APIs using Airborne gem

Nowadays the importance of Restful APIs has increased a lot for web and mobile apps. Writing API has been made easier and pretty good...
2 min read

Hosting FreeGeoIP in your cloud

In the project I’m working on where we sell photos, we had to find out the country of each and every visitor for a...
Steve Robinson
8 min read

Facebook Query Language ( FQL )

Recently I worked for a project, which fetches data from Facebook and save data locally, Initially we were using Graph API and later migrated...
Prabu D
1 min read

PDF generation with Rails

Generating pdf is a common requirement in web applications, mostly to download reports. Users would like to download their data as pdf or excel...
Surendran Sukumaran
1 min read

Discussing some of the features of Rails 4.2

I would like to discuss some of the new features of the new Rails 4.2 in this blog. ActiveJob, ActionMailer #deliver_later, AdequateRecord, Web Console...
Vinothini B
2 min read

Share your site using Google Plus

This blog will help you to share some interest webpages with your friends using Google+ share functionality. Its very easy to add in your...
Prabu D
37 sec read

Disable Multi-login by Single User

I was trying to disable multi login for single user using devise authentication and came up with this solution. Thought it may help someone.
Sivakumar V
56 sec read

Connect Rails 4 With Microsoft SQL Server Database

I spent a while to find a solution for connecting Rails 4 with MS SQL Server database. Later I found a quick and easy...
Sivakumar V
31 sec read

SpriteXchange 23rd December 2013

Hello Folks, We are happy to announce that we have restarted the Tech talk culture here at Spritle. Its called SpriteXchange. The last talk...
Karthik A K
28 sec read