Appfuse 2.0 Review

A short review on Appfuse 2.0 from a developer perspective.
Balaji D Loganathan
2 min read

Inplace or On-the-fly editing of Java webapp’s

While developing and testing the Java EE web applications, people often needs a way to immediately web-view the changes that they have made in...
Balaji D Loganathan
2 min read

XML Rendering – Tools and Options

A short overview on some of the XML rendering tools that i have experimented with.
While the applications of XML is a very broad...
Balaji D Loganathan
2 min read

Top ten tips for setting up your PC for…

If your job role involves activities like “web page scripting, AJAX, interactive user interface development, HTML content rendering, rich content website development and whatever...

Balaji D Loganathan
2 min read

Using JFreeChart in .NET – Help me to make…

I am trying to use Jfreechart in .NET and I need someone to help me to get ride of issue. If you have some free...
Balaji D Loganathan
3 min read

On-demand validation using XHR

The idea is to validate the username/password as soon as the user enters the data into the form input field of the browser.
Balaji D Loganathan
21 sec read

Book review: Agile Java™ Development With Spring, Hibernate and…

Book review: Agile Java™ Development With Spring, Hibernate and Eclipse
Balaji D Loganathan
45 sec read

Book review: 'Google Web Toolkit Solutions: Cool & Useful…

Book review: 'Google Web Toolkit Solutions: Cool & Useful Stuff'
Balaji D Loganathan
44 sec read

Could not create task or type of type: junit

Error: Could not create task or type of type: junit.
Simply add junit.jar to your system classpath.
Balaji D Loganathan
1 min read

AJAX and Java Frameworks

Book review.
Balaji D Loganathan
48 sec read

Ubuntu Linux tips for Java developers

One of my good friend ....
Balaji D Loganathan
1 min read

Calling ApacheFOP from .NET

A simple way to call or use Apache FOP from a C# or VB.NET.
Balaji D Loganathan
1 min read