Javascript focus for AJAX Operation

A simple javascript based dhtml effect to show the focus to the user that a AJAX operation is being performed.
Balaji D Loganathan
1 min read

The project location is not fully trusted by .NET

While using MS Infopath 2003 with VS.NET 2003...
Balaji D Loganathan
32 sec read

Get IP address of webservices client – Apache Axis…

A small code snippet to get the ip address of the webservices client invoking Apache ...........
Balaji D Loganathan
27 sec read

Book Review: Adobe AIR for Javascript Developers

I was trying to learn Adobe AIR and was looking for some good set of learning resources. I found the book "Adobe AIR...

Balaji D Loganathan
1 min read

Importance Of Attitude in Agile Projects

With my recent experience on Agile-Scrum based projects, I started realizing how important is "Attitude" of the person involved in an agile team...
Balaji D Loganathan
1 min read

Agile NCR 2008 Conference – India

On 8th March, the Saturday Xebia India is organizing "Agile NCR 2008 Conference" hosted by Ansal Institute of Technology in Gurgaon, India. Its...
Balaji D Loganathan
42 sec read

Make your Scrum Team Sync-n-Happy

I had an opportunity to work as a "Scrum Master" (SM) on one of my last few projects. It was lot of fun...
Balaji D Loganathan
2 min read

Flex Beyond – eForms

A short note about J2EE with Adobe LiveCycle.
Balaji D Loganathan
2 min read

Comparing Apache FOP with iText

A brief comparision between Apache FOP and iText, especially when to use it for a Java based project. I have also included a small...
Balaji D Loganathan
2 min read

Appfuse 2.0 Review

A short review on Appfuse 2.0 from a developer perspective.
Balaji D Loganathan
2 min read

Inplace or On-the-fly editing of Java webapp’s

While developing and testing the Java EE web applications, people often needs a way to immediately web-view the changes that they have made in...
Balaji D Loganathan
2 min read

XML Rendering – Tools and Options

A short overview on some of the XML rendering tools that i have experimented with.
While the applications of XML is a very broad...
Balaji D Loganathan
2 min read